Have a question you dont see an answer to? Reach out to us directly!
Typos happen - we understand and are here to help! Every crossword purchase comes with a link that will let you make edits and gives you one additional download if needed so that you can correct anything you need to.
We accept most payment methods, from cards to digital wallets, pay whichever way works for you once you create your crossword and are ready to check out.
No, we provide you with a digital file that you can then print at home or through a printing service. We include a sheet with pro-tips with every download!
Reach out to us at hello@craftandsolve.com and our artist team can help quote a custom template just for you! We'll work with you to make your idea come to life.
Coming soon! ... In the mean time, if you have an idea of a puzzle you want for an event reach out to us and we can work together to come up with a custom puzzle for purchase. We love creating the best experience for you and your guests at your event!